January 2024 Newsletter


January  2023

Habits to Maintain Motivation

New year, new you! Goals are easy to make in the month of January, but how do you keep motivated in February and beyond?

Top New Year’s resolutions - Three of the top five New Year’s resolutions are health-related goals.

1.      Improve fitness

2.      Improve finances

3.      Improve mental health

4.      Lose weight

5.      Improve diet

Nearly 40% of American adults make New Year’s resolutions, meaning there is no shortage of people working on improving their health this year. Many health goals go hand-in-hand, such as improving fitness and improving mental health. Studies have shown that exercise can be a great way to improve mood and overall well-being.

Remind yourself why – Sticking to a goal is easier when you remember why you want to do it. Common reasons people cite for making New Year’s resolutions include to challenge themselves, make positive changes in their lives, or eliminate personal dissatisfactions. No matter what your “why” is, keep it in mind to help yourself succeed.

Track progress – Set mini goals to track your progress along the way. Focusing on the achievements you have already made will help keep you driven towards your goal. Improvements in cardiovascular endurance or setting new personal records are two of the many different ways to track progress towards fitness goals.

Join a challenge – Whether it be a step challenge with your friends or signing up for a race, challenge yourself to something new. The Weather the Storm triathlon, coming up this summer, is an excellent opportunity to test your limits and ability to reach your goals.

Registration is open now for the Weather the Storm Triathlon on August 3rd, 2024! Set a goal that will keep you motivated throughout the year. Prices increase February 1st.